Arizona - Texass - California - Atlanta - New York - Pennsylvania - Michigan - Ohio


March 31 The Hotel Congress, Tucson, Arizona

April 4 The Opening Bell, Dallas, Texas


April 19 Jose Guzman Colon and Angie Bowie at the opening of Jose’s photo exhibit at POPt’Art in LA, CA

April 19 The Bar Marmont, Hollywood, California

May 11 Jungle Club, Atlanta, Georgia - Gene Morgan

June 3 The Fifth Ivory

June 5 Thompson Hotel Babylon, Soho, New York - Guy Furrow, Annette Witheridge, Darian, April Sandmeyer

June 6 The Pink Elephant, Soho, New York


June 7 Jukebox Jackie @ La MaMa, New York, with Cherry Vanilla and Jayne County - SiriusXM.

             Afterward, Bowery Electric for Max’s Alumni Reunion with Jayne, Peter Crowley & Jimi Lalumia.

June 8 The Lair, Soho, New York

June 9 Tattooed Mom’s, Philadelphia

June 10 Splash, Manhattan, New York with Randy Jones

June 14 Lido Gallery, Detroit, Michigan

June 15 Rhythm and Ribs festival with Wayne Mesker to Rock n’Roll Hall of Fame

June 16 Cleveland, Ohio - College radio show, Steve Wilbert’s Book signing and Rhythm & Ribs festival

June 17 Tour of Malachi House

June 19 Atlanta, Georgia