As a prelude to New York I was out cleaning the copper on a roof. The cleaning solution was sticky and the whole thing spilled down the ladder to where my foot slipped and I took a dive into a barrel cactus - butt first! Glad I missed the concrete. But that barrel cactus pierced me well and I had to be lifted off of it. Hurt! For about 20 minutes and then sore for 3 days! With that adrenaline rush, it was time to go to New York....

I adore the buses, the subway; I love walking in the most cosmopolitan city in the world. I love the cab drivers, the Park, Grand Central Station, LaGuardia with all the mess of reconstruction, the garment district, the costume jewelry store on 57th, the Indian restaurants in the East Village, the Japanese restaurants, the steak houses, pizza and now the NEW YORK CENTRAL LIBRARY. When I am in New York, I always feel "ON'; 'Happening'. I was there in November to play SQUEEZEBOX, the music event at DON HILL'S hosted by Mistress FORMIKA.

COOPER SQUARE'S reedition of BACKSTAGE PASSES prompted a BOOK SIGNING @ TOWER BOOKS in the VILLAGE. It was scheduled for the same night as the show, but when I showed up at Tower, there was a note in the window saying it was canceled. I was relieved to see HECTOR DE JEAN, from COOPER SQUARE who explained that TOWER had forgotten to order the books! Tower offered to bring me back to New York for a rescheduled book signing.

Back to SQUEEZEBOX: There was a wild big lively crowd and the first bands were great punk acts. MISTRESS FORMIKA did the introduction and sang the Stones' song ANGIE to introduce me! FORMIKA & DAVID MATOS and the band had done an amazing job, they turned the intro into an event! FORMIKA sang and DAVID MATOS did a fabulous arrangement of ANGIE (Rolling Stones) I was impressed. DAVID MATOS is the musical director of the SQUEEZEBOX band. He is fabulous to work with & handsome and talented!

BRUCE ALEXANDER snapped photos during the performance and he introduced me to TIFFANY ESTEB who reviewed the show for WASTE newspaper in New York, so I was happy; I got REVIEWED!

April and I hooked up with Chris Papandreou and went to see the show of PYX LAX a pop band from Greece. This is a very large band-8 players and a great girl instrumentalist who played violin and accordion and looked enchanting amongst Greece's version of THE BAND The venue was packed and the audience sang every other song along with the band! It was FAAAAAHHHBULOUS!

I did a photo shoot with Federico Mastrianni after Sunday brunch in the Village. Tamara NEVES/MRS. MASTRIANNI styled the session and I am sure my grin tells you how much fun I had in New York. This might be a good place for the Mastrianni photo!

DJ TENNESSE and I did a large quantity of dining; zipping down to the East Village to the Thai restaurant on 2nd Ave. and 5th. St., then movies and PIZZA. DJ TENNESSEE is a great New York date. So is STEVE LAFRENIERE. I went to Brooklyn and met up with Steve and John. We had the most wonderful Japanese banquet and talked and laughed and drank Sake. Then we went to a place where one of the bands, STEVE interviewed was having a birthday party. They were so sweet and I met a fabulous make up artist who works with them maybe she's in the band! It was very loud and very FUN!

I stayed with my friend MARCY MACDONALD, a free- lance writer/journalist. MARCY went out of town to cover a story and so I had charge of her dogs, 3 very fetching room-mates who I enjoyed immensely.

New York was blissful! I walked the length and breadth of Manhattan, stopping for coffee and hot chocolate, munching croissants, thrilling to the brisk autumn breeze. I went to the NEW YORK CENTRAL LIBRARY sight- seeing and ended up sitting there for three or four hours writing and working; what a grand library, my photos came out a little dark. I asked the Library custodians if I could get a shot of these gorgeous carved wooden ceilings in the reading rooms which are the size of a football field. If you haven't been; you must check it out! I am pumped about the Library. The Library people were so helpful about pointing out all the different aspects of the building's architecture and history, I had a blast! There was an exhibition called UTOPIA: The Search for the Ideal Society in the Western World. The exhibit installation contained so many original manuscripts and maps I did some Christmas shopping, went to parties and hung with friends I haven't seen in ages: LEEE BLACK CHILDERS & the band he is managing & DAGMAR came to the book signing. ROBBIE GENDER-BLENDER, (I have renamed him! Just for today) did a splendid show at TRUE. Mastrianni and Tamara and I went to the Book signing and then caught his show.

JAMES EDSTROM arranged a press dinner for me @ Metro Fish @ 8 East 6th. St. where STEVEN KARATHANOS, the owner's hospitality was most generous: JAMES EDSTROM, RICHARD JOHNSON, MARCY MACDONALD, APRIL SANDMEYER plus CHRIS WILSON who is with Page 6 and IAN SPIEGELMAN from New York Magazine and another writer too.

Stasha called from New York today asking me where her boyfriend should take her for a Valentine's dinner and I told her to call Steve @ METRO-FISH. HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY! SMOOCH someone! Who cares if it's not Valentine's day!

