Heff’s Blog


1). First, thanks for all the hard work you are doing for AIDS BEGONE! Musical CD and 24 hour CYBER PARTY . How long has this project been in the making?

Hi Heff,  Thank you for the kudos!

The project was spontaneous the result of two e mails one from Giovanni Perini to me and mine back! A week before Dec.1st I was reminding everyone that it was going to be World Aids day. Giovanni Perini, A friend from Italy suggested we do a musical track to memorialize the Dec. 1st World Aids day. He sent me a sample he had written and then it snow-balled from there.

2. It looks like you are getting interest from all over the world on this. You mention a lot of different mediums...is there a central place that people can go to hear this broadcast/party.

Yes, http://aidsbegone.org/ The site is under construction until Tuesday Dec. 8th but you can see it all there! I have to do the greeting and description of our mission. An artist called Damian ? Is doing the logo and Jude Rawlins, from London and leader of the band The Subterraneans is executive producer of the musical CD and has set up the programs to sell AIDS BEGONE PARTY MIX the musical CD and channel the proceeds directly to the following accredited AIDS charities. We may add the SAAF charity which is based here in southern Arizona as they come highly recommended and my friend Paula Taylor suggested their inclusion at lunch yesterday!






 If we are successful and the event draws attention to the issues and raises money we are considering continuing on until our mission is completed.

 3.I like the idea of it being listed as a party, as it gives the impression that we are taking ownership and empowerment over Aids...was this the intention?

 Yes, it was the intention. I do not understand why change does not or cannot occur due to thoughtful intervention and everyone deciding that it’s time for something to be changed. They found a cure for polio because they were still excited about the Un then and it was just after the war they pulled together their research and development resources and found a cure by international cooperation.

We know our children need to be educated. We know our prisons need to be reformed and become re-education centers for those wounded in society’s rough and tumble, we know everyone should have enough to eat and health care so they can live satisfying lives and yet instead of employing the resources available through the UN and other international agencies we do not participate as individuals enough to demonstrate the value of citizens of the Planet Earth. Unified, concerted cooperation can move mountains, divert lava floes and find cure for disease. Let’s harness our diversity, creativity and scientific clout to conquer this tiresome virus. If we can defeat fascism, we can kill a bloody virus and save the lives of millions of humans.

4. You mention that you will also be doing AIDS BEGONE! CD's as well. And it looks like there will be 2 seperate cd's one that will be in italian, and also one in English...is this correct?

No, I like to mix it up. When you walk through a train station you do not hear one language. One of the pleasures of travel is the music of language. We shall program the CDs with the music as it arrives and thus there will be a chronological history of involvement that we can be proud of on the day we accomplish our mission. I am committed. I am on the down slope of life running towards the winning post. I want to bequeath something useful for all my efforts and if this is a reason for which to be remembered, I will be content!

5.I see also that you will be having guest hosts appear during the broadcast...care to divulge any names yet or are you still working on that?

Many of the hosts are in different countries and I am sure they are huge stars in their own countries but I know them as friends some are recent and have come to the project through the social networking programs. FACEbook, Myspace and Twitter. Still we won’t know how effective we have been until the CD is debuted and we have experienced our First AIDS BEGONE CYBER PARTY!

I’d like to do it LIVE too!  Tour the world with AIDS BEONE.

Then all these great bands and terrific music could be enjoyed with 1,000% more excitement when one is actually there!

6.Is it okay to give out your email address if other artists want to contribute something?

Yes, please. It is angie@angiebowie.net. Contact me, spill the beans, share your ideas!

7. Okay...I think that’s it...and the blog wants to know (and I'm embarrassed to ask) what struck you about the song I Am Your Destroyer...okay...I send you mass love.

I AM YOUR DESTROYER is a fascinating lyric with a Jekyll and Hide quality. Knowing that destruction can be both constructive and renewing. That being a destroyer may also open up an avenue for new feelings, love and emotions that could not exist with old tradition and prejudice. It’s a great song!

Thank you Heff for jumping on the wagon and offering to help. All my life I have lived the words of my song SOME OF MY BEST FRIENDS ARE STRANGERS and you are one of those. You came to me AND NOW WE’RE FRIENDS! I think we can accomplish everything. CYBER PARTY DECEMBER 22nd all day SEE YOU THERE in my mind’s eye!